France and the United States Economic Forum

The FACC Ohio was invited to the annual Economic Forum hosted by the Service Economic of the Embassy of France in the United States.

We are pleased to announce the impressive milestone of $153 billion in trade of goods and services between France and the U.S. in 2023, as highlighted in the latest economic report by the French Embassy. This report was showcased at the recent economic forum, which brought together key players in the French-American business ecosystem. ( See full report - Ohio Page 108 )

The FACC Ohio had the honor of attending the annual Economic Forum hosted by the French Embassy's Economic Service in Washington DC. Ambassador Laurent Bili welcomed us to the French Residence, and we received enlightening remarks from CFM President and CEO Gaël Méheust, based in Ohio. This year, CFM is celebrating 50 years of joint venture between a French and American company Safran Aircraft Engines and GE Aerospace.  

A heartfelt thank you to Laurent Bili, Antonin Aviat, Guillaume Cléaud, and Marc Brocheton for hosting us and providing insightful analysis alongside the French Economic Team. The passionate debates reflected our collective enthusiasm for continued economic collaboration.

Special thanks to Frédéric Rossi, Iwan Streichenberger, Marc Somnolet, Constance Bost and Gonzales Damien for their engaging discussions. Your contributions were invaluable.

The discussions that followed were dynamic and engaging, with involvement from many of the key organisations of the French-American ecosystem and Team France including: Business France, Bpifrance, La French Tech, The Conseillers du Commerce extérieur de la France (CCEs), MEDEF and several FACC Chapters.

We extend our gratitude to the FACC, CCI France International, and the Business France North America Network. Acknowledgments go to Tatiana Grzeskowiak, Denis Chazelle, Katherine Lafourcade, Jacques J. Marcotte, Bertrand Rakoto, Jean-Marc Gaultier, Cedric Le Rouge, Léa Catanzano, Aurore Ladeveze, Alexander C. Adotevi, and Charles Maridor for their support.

It was also a great opportunity to catch up with fellow FACC Presidents and Directors : Jean-Marc Gaultier, Tatiana Grzeskowiak, Bertrand Rakoto, Polina Bogdanovitch, Denis Chazelle, Cedric Le Rouge, Jacques J Marcotte, Katherine Lafourcade

#FACC #FrenchAmericanTrade #EconomicForum #BusinessFrance #TeamFrance #TradeExpansion #EconomicCollaboration #CCEs #Bpifrance

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