About the Foundation


FACC Ohio Foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation whose mission is to support educational and cultural initiatives of the FACC Ohio activities between France and Ohio. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions: info(@)faccohio.org


The French Cultural Garden in Cleveland, Ohio

We are happy to announce that the International Cultural Gardens Federation assigned a place for the creation of a French Garden in Cleveland, that will be made in collaboration with the City of Rouen (Normandy) and the City of Cleveland Mayor's Office. The Launching is scheduled in 2022 (delay due to covid-19)

Because cultural gardens represent a place of memorial for the French community to get together, we need your support to make our project comes through. 

  • we need funds for the design phase and the launching in 2022 - see https://gofund.me/0a46642e 
  • we need volunteers to maintain the garden 2 times a year. 

The funds will go to the design phase  and the launching in 2022 of our Cleveland French Cultural Garden which will be placed in a unique environment inside the International Cultural Gardens area in Cleveland.

FACC Ohio Foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation and your donations are free of tax. Thank you very much for your contributions and support.

Please consider contacting The French American Chamber of Commerce Foundation in Ohio to learn more about volunteer opportunities and to participate in the Foundation info(@)faccohio.org


Cultural & Education Committee

The primary mission of the Cultural & Education Committee is to encourage, promote, and otherwise support the growth and development of educational initiatives focused on French-language-based and internationally oriented education. 

The Education Committee membership will be selected from individuals who have significant French-American cultural experiences and have a strong interest in education, including French teachers, French expatriates, and representatives of companies that are French or have significant interests and operations in France.

The Education Committee has active and prospective projects, including:

  • Promoting schools that include French education
  • Promoting French classes
  • French Education Guide


Cleveland-Rouen Sister City Exchanges

Since 2008, Cleveland has had a sister city relationship with Rouen. Since then, the FACC Ohio and City of Rouen have initiated multiple cultural exchanges, delegations, and economical development visits.

For the 10th anniversary in 2018, we planned two key events:

  • In Cleveland, a Bastille Day celebration on July 14, 2018
  • In Rouen, the 100th anniversary of the armistice of November 11, 1918. It was a ceasefire agreed upon during World War I between the Allies and Germany

We are thankful for your participation (volunteers and donations) that made these projects possible. 



Board of Trustees

The FACC Ohio is moving forward thanks to its dedicated Board of Trustees.

Cedric Le Rouge Vice President - Executive Director
+1 330-322-5072 clerouge@adexma.com
B. Douglas Amberman Vice President
Isabelle Bibet-Kalinyak Vice President
Josh Knerly Secretary
John Marino Treasurer
Michel Nouafo President
Eric Novello Vice President
Larry Nowak Vice President
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