
New President of FACC-Ohio

On June 19, 2024 Honorary Consul Cedric Le Rouge was elected as the FACC-Ohio President.

The French American Chamber of Commerce - Ohio held its Board Meeting in Columbus for the first time. The meeting was a great opportunity to celebrate the foundation work that our amazing team there has done to create a fast-growing FACC community in Columbus. We also to elected Honorary Consul Cedric Le Rouge to be the new President of the FACC-Ohio. (We will now look to fill Cédric’s prior role as Executive Director.)

Having served as President of the FACC for many years, I now will remain a board member and focus on advancing and fundraising for our ambitious French Cultural Garden project.

Congratulations to Cédric and to the team in Columbus, including: Isabelle Billet, Alexandra Miller, Sylvain Ferrandon, and Babeth Garcia.

by Larry Miller



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